Monday, 6 June 2011


Hi all, these are the winning entries for the photo competion for Norway.
If you would like to vote please leave a comment under the post using your VAGAB mail address so that the comment is personal to you. Please vote only once and for only one photo.

Thanks a lot, great photos by the way.

1) Frozen waterfall

2) Frozen lake

3) Frozen cascade

4) Snowball fight

5) Sunset in Bergen

6) Photographic conference

7) Frozen reflection

8) The lights come on in Bergen

9) Bergen at a glance


  1. Hi all, I want to vote for photo Number 5. Sunset in Bergen, I think it is really brilliant and the light reflecting on the cobbles is just fantastic.
    This vote is provisional as the idiot who was supposed to post the photos hasn't put them all here yet.

  2. Here are the votes from Germany for the Norway photo competition:
    Picture 2 gets 3 votes
    Picture 3 gets 2 votes
